Thursday, January 28, 2010

Flashback-Desitin & Toothpaste

Today my friend Becky was trying to find out how to get toothpaste out of carpet. That conversation brought not so fond memories of toothpaste and Desitin. Neither substance is fun to get out of carpet!

When Micah was about 1 and Christina was about 3 1/2, Christina decided that she wanted to discover her inner artist. Whenever I do something crazy like trying to take a 5 minute shower, one of my kids always gets a new creative idea. After I got mostly dressed I walked in to find the scene above. Destin is NOT fun to get out of carpet. However, poison control wasn't too worried that my son ingested some.

Toothpaste is the other substance I'm not too fond of. There is carpet in front of the sink in my kids' bathroom. Why? I have no idea. Every time I go to clean the bathroom mirror, there is toothpaste at the top of the mirror. How in the world do people that are 3-4 feet tall get toothpaste on the top of the mirror? I can't even reach the top of the mirror without straining. I've given up trying to get toothpaste out of the carpet. It's a losing battle. I just changed my color scheme to match the toothpaste...


  1. That's a hilarious cute! :D It's good to know that this kind of substance abuse only hurts our carpets and counters, and not our children. Ha!

  2. I can't wait for the day that I can walk into my kids' bathroom and not expect to spend an hour trying to get something out of the carpet or off the mirror. LOL!

  3. Oh, we have poison control on speed dial around here. Ever since the time Terran drank half a bottle of Mylanta. The lady on the phone said it wouldn't hurt him, but that I'd probably see "some gastrointestinal effects". Ya think?

    That photo is awesome...Christina's just lookin' all proudly at him like: "See? He's a masterpiece!"
